AIAA SciTech Forum
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
2025 : We had 5 papers accepted in total and professor Farooq was invited as a panelist. See more details
International Symposium of Combustion
Proceeding Of Combustion Institute
2024 : We had 9 papers accepted in total, covering both Oral Presentations (OPP) and Poster Presentations (PPP) categories. The accepted papers spanned diverse topics, including laser-based speciation, biofuel reactivity, cool-flame chemistry, interaction chemistry of ammonia and formaldehyde, and advanced diagnostics for multi-speciation using innovative techniques like deep neural networks and cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy.
Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis
Proceedings Optica Sensing Congress
2024 : FASTER Lab presented three papers: Mohamed Sy on C1-C5 Alkanes Detection, Ali Elkhazraji on Mid-IR Open-path Gas Sensing, and Syed Tajammul Ahmad on SO₂ Detection with Dual-comb Spectroscopy. Prof. Aamir Farooq was the program chair.